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Debian GNU/Linux

Download Small CD:
Write ISO to CD-R, install, and after installation, edit /etc/apt/sources.list. file, "Squeeze" and "Wheezy" sources.list settings you see below.

Settings of "Squeeze":

Settings of "Wheezy":

More info:


Nano is a good text editor to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file, so do this:

[user@hostname]~$ su -
[root@hostname]~# nano /etc/apt/sources.list
(Edit file)
(Save settings: Ctrl+X > Y > Enter)
[root@hostname]:~# apt-get update
[root@hostname]:~# apt-get upgrade

* xinit - X server initialisation tool (minimal Xorg)
* awesome  - highly configurable X window manager


To start awesome, with startx you'll need make .xinitrc file:
[user@linux]:~$ nano .xinitrc
exec awesome

(Save settings: Ctrl+X > Y > Enter)


And you can try to start Awesome WM now:
[user@linux]:~$ startx


And after these steps you can install programs, witch i wrote below.


Archive Managers:
* xarchiver  - GTK+ frontend for most used compression formats


Email clients:
* Icedove     -  mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support


* unifont      - font with a glyph for each visible Unicode 5.1 Plane 0 character
* ttf-unifont - TrueType version of the GNU Unifont
* xfonts-unifont - PCF (bitmap) version of the GNU Unifont


FTP Clients:
* gftp           - file transfer client for *NIX based machines


File Managers:
* vifm           - a ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
* lfm             - simple but powerful file manager for the UNIX console
* mc             - Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager
* rox-filer     - A simple graphical file manager for X11
! You can run rox-filer:
! [user@hostname]:~$ rox-filer
! or:
! [user@hostname]:~$ rox


Audio Players:
* cmus         - small ncurses based music player
* moc           - console audio player
* mpg123    - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream
! To run moc:
! [user@hostname]:~$ mocp


Images Viewers:
* gpicview   - lightweight image viewer


Internet Browsers:
* iceweasel - a Web browser for X11 derived from the Mozilla browser
* w3m          - a text based Web browser and pager


IRC Clients:
* irssi           -  a modular IRC client for UNIX
* weechat-curses - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat (Curses version)


Terminal Emulators:
* xterm        - X terminal emulator
* uxterm      - X terminal emulator for Unicode (UTF-8) environments


Text Editors:
* vim            - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
* vim-gtk     - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI
! If you want run vim-gtk:
! [user@hostname]~$ gvim


PDF Viewers:
* apvlv         - PDF viewer with Vim-like behaviour
* epdfview   - Lightweight pdf viewer based on poppler libs
* zathura     - PDF viewer with a minimalistic interface


* Geany       -   fast and lightweight IDE


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